Siusplau, No editeu aquesta pàgina !
Aquesta pàgina conté informació arxivada que s'ha guardat com a referències històriques de Viquitexts. Si voleu discutir d'algun dels temes que aquí s'exposen, siusplau feu-ho a La taverna.

Pendent modifica

Pregunta modifica

Suposo que el Llibre blanc de la Transició Nacional de Catalunya pot carregar-se tranquil·lament a Commons, ja que està publicat per la Generalitat de Catalunya, ergo domini públic. Una feinada de 139 pàgines. --Docosong (discussió) 21:39, 6 gen 2015 (CET)[respon]

Sí, n'estic pràcticament segur i està en la línia de documents generats arran del procés sobiranista.--KRLS (discussió) 22:15, 6 gen 2015 (CET)[respon]

Aquest any se celebra l'Any Muntaner modifica

Aquest any se celebra l'Any Muntaner [1] ens podriem afegir a la celebració d'alguna manera? Hi ha alguna llista completa de les seves publicacions que poguéssim incorporar com a repte o concurs? --Kippelboy (discussió) 12:39, 7 gen 2015 (CET)[respon]

Autor:Ramon Muntaner. He fet una cerca i no sembla que hi hagin més obres de l'autor.--KRLS (discussió) 01:06, 8 gen 2015 (CET)[respon]

També tenim l'any Carles Salvador, però en no estar les seues obres en DP, supose que depenem de l'AVL.--Coentor (discussió) 12:40, 13 gen 2015 (CET)[respon]

Dictamen AVL modifica

Ja tenim Una versió estable del dictamen del 2005, primer document que obtenim arran de les converses del 3 de desembre amb l'entitat normativa. Caldrà pegar-li una repassada (jo mateix ho faré, però ara allò urgent era tindre'l acabat, encara que haurem de repassar els apòstrofs).--Coentor (discussió) 12:40, 13 gen 2015 (CET)[respon]

He arreglat els tancaments de "div".--KRLS (discussió) 18:26, 13 gen 2015 (CET)[respon]
Gràcies.--Coentor (discussió) 13:17, 14 gen 2015 (CET)[respon]

Aprenent... modifica

Hola, vull pujar aquest text alliberat per la FMRPCat 1914-2014 100 anys d'Escola Estiu.

I no tinc clar si seguir el model de Decret 102/2014 sobre la denominació oficial del municipi de Xert: posar el text en una sola pàgina perquè no cal transcriure'l. O seguir el model de Als diputats de la Mancomunitat de Catalunya (1917) creant una pàgina per transcriure'l. Vaig fent proves però m'aniria bé orientació.

Context: Amb la col·laboració que tenim amb Llotja, i amb la que tenim amb la FMRPCat hi ha la possibilitat d'incorporar publicacions que han entrat al Domini Públic o de les quals es pot tramitar l'alliberament. Voldria entendre bé com fer-ho per transmetre-ho i que ho puguin fer d'una manera el més fàcil possible. Hi haurà documents dels quals es té el text (en PDF segurament) i altres on es tenen pàgines escanejades i caldrà transcriure (el OCR és automàtic??). De moment estic provant amb aquesta publicació que ja s'ha alliberat via OTRS: 1914-2014 100 anys d'Escola Estiu. He intentat tenir en compte Ajuda:Directrius bàsiques. --Dvdgmz (discussió) 18:42, 22 gen 2015 (CET)[respon]

Ep gràcies @KRLS:! Màgia! Què ja passat? :-) Però ho he anat seguint mirant pàgines i historials i crec que entenc el que has fet. Per tant:
  1. Descarto el mètode directe a pàgina. Sempre fer el de "Llibre:nom-de-fitxer.extensió" i xuclat amb l'etiqueta "pages", oi? Tant si tinc el text en digital com si són escanners de pàgines.
  2. Genial lo del sistema directe des d', alguns materials ja són allà i altres s'hi poden pujar. Alguns no, i ja te'ls passaria.
  3. Si són pàgines escanejades una a una, també caldrà que els posis la capa OCR, no?

--Dvdgmz (discussió) 19:27, 22 gen 2015 (CET)[respon]

@Dvdgmz: Si són pàgines una a una però que formen un únic corpus creatius, caldria juntar-les en un únic pdf o djvu i llavors afegir-li la capa OCR. Sinó són document dispersos, caldria penjar-los per separat i afegir-li l'OCR.--KRLS (discussió) 19:43, 22 gen 2015 (CET)[respon]
@KRLS: Ok, millor agrupar en PDF o DJVU doncs. Alguna recomanació de software? Coses online com són de fiar? --Dvdgmz (discussió) 20:37, 22 gen 2015 (CET)[respon]
Per cert, com és que hi ha pàgines que no surten aquí 1914-2014 100 anys d'Escola Estiu tot i que ja les he marcat com a revisades? --Dvdgmz (discussió) 20:40, 22 gen 2015 (CET)[respon]

Plantilla per línia incompleta modifica

Hola, oi que hi havia una manera de connectar quan hi ha una línia que no es completa en una pàgina i continua a la següent? No ho sé trobar i em sona que ho havia vist fer servir. --Dvdgmz (discussió) 17:19, 26 gen 2015 (CET)[respon]

Em sembla que et refereixes a la plantilla {{Pt}}. --Docosong (discussió) 18:15, 26 gen 2015 (CET)[respon]
Gràcies, sí, deu ser aquesta. Pensava que calia posar-la per línies incompletes i veig que només és quan es parteix paraula. --Dvdgmz (discussió) 12:31, 29 gen 2015 (CET)[respon]

Incorporar un llibre modifica

Hola, per facilitar les coses a la gent del grup ViquiLlotja240 he fet aquesta pàgina:

Usuari:Dvdgmz/Com fer un llibre

Si podeu feu-hi un cop d'ull i reviseu si tot és correcte. Potser pot servir per a altres grups similars. --Dvdgmz (discussió) 17:55, 29 gen 2015 (CET)[respon]

[Global proposal] (tots) Modificar les pàgines modifica

MediaWiki mobile

Hi, this message is to let you know that, on domains like, unregistered users cannot edit. At the Wikimedia Forum, where global configuration changes are normally discussed, a few dozens users propose to restore normal editing permissions on all mobile sites. Please read and comment!

Thanks and sorry for writing in English, Nemo 23:32, 1 març 2015 (CET)[respon]

Retallar fotos i fer tabulats modifica

Hola, estem treballant en el Llibre:1ee anys Escola Estiu 1914-2014.pdf i no hem trobat la manera de fer dues coses:

A part de fer-ho ho volem aprendre a fer :-) --Dvdgmz (discussió) 23:32, 3 març 2015 (CET)[respon]

  • En la pàgina d'edició trobareu al menu de l'esquerra l'opció "Retalla imatge", només heu de seleccionar la selecció que us interessa afegir al text.
  • Podeu consultar un exemple de taula, consultant el codi font de la següent Pàgina:La nau de veles d'or (1925).djvu/191
Espero que serveixi. A reveure! --Docosong (discussió) 01:13, 4 març 2015 (CET)[respon]

Inspire Campaign: Improving diversity, improving content modifica

This March, we’re organizing an Inspire Campaign to encourage and support new ideas for improving gender diversity on Wikimedia projects. Less than 20% of Wikimedia contributors are women, and many important topics are still missing in our content. We invite all Wikimedians to participate. If you have an idea that could help address this problem, please get involved today! The campaign runs until March 31.

All proposals are welcome - research projects, technical solutions, community organizing and outreach initiatives, or something completely new! Funding is available from the Wikimedia Foundation for projects that need financial support. Constructive, positive feedback on ideas is appreciated, and collaboration is encouraged - your skills and experience may help bring someone else’s project to life. Join us at the Inspire Campaign and help this project better represent the world’s knowledge!

(Sorry for the English - please translate this message!) MediaWiki message delivery (discussió) 21:01, 4 març 2015 (CET)[respon]

SUL finalization update modifica

Hi all,apologies for writing in English, please read this page for important information and an update involving SUL finalization, scheduled to take place in one month. Thanks. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 20:45, 13 març 2015 (CET)[respon]

Transcriu-me modifica

Fa temps que conec aquest projecte de la Biblioteca de Catalunya, fins i tot, he participat en alguna transcripció. Algú li sona aquest projecte? Transcriu-me!! No obstant, fa temps que estan aturats i no engeguen cap transcripció i no sé ben bé si encara continuen fent-lo. De forma personal, penso és una pena que la BC no aprofiti la sinergia de Viquitexts per donar una empenta important a la transcripció d'obres literàries antigues. A reveure! --Docosong (discussió) 21:22, 20 març 2015 (CET)[respon]

Quan vaig descobrir el projecte, vam concreta una reunió amb la BC. Ells volien seguir utilitzant la seva plataforma, malgrat ser més limitada. Comentaren que quan acabessin, deixarien descansar el projecte durant un temps; qui saps si per sempre.--KRLS (discussió) 04:05, 21 març 2015 (CET)[respon]

Stewards confirmation rules modifica

Hello, I made a proposal on Meta to change the rules for the steward confirmations. Currently consensus to remove is required for a steward to lose his status, however I think it's fairer to the community if every steward needed the consensus to keep. As this is an issue that affects all WMF wikis, I'm sending this notification to let people know & be able to participate. Best regards, --MF-W 18:12, 10 abr 2015 (CEST)[respon]

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.



I am pleased to announce that nominations are now being accepted for the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections. This year the Board and the FDC Staff are looking for a diverse set of candidates from regions and projects that are traditionally under-represented on the board and in the movement as well as candidates with experience in technology, product or finance. To this end they have published letters describing what they think is needed and, recognizing that those who know the community the best are the community themselves, the election committee is accepting nominations for community members you think should run and will reach out to those nominated to provide them with information about the job and the election process.

This year, elections are being held for the following roles:

Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the decision-making body that is ultimately responsible for the long term sustainability of the Foundation, so we value wide input into its selection. There are three positions being filled. More information about this role can be found at the board elections page.

Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC)
The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes recommendations about how to allocate Wikimedia movement funds to eligible entities. There are five positions being filled. More information about this role can be found at the FDC elections page.

Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) Ombud
The FDC Ombud receives complaints and feedback about the FDC process, investigates complaints at the request of the Board of Trustees, and summarizes the investigations and feedback for the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. One position is being filled. More information about this role can be found at the FDC Ombudsperson elections page.

The candidacy submission phase lasts from 00:00 UTC April 20 to 23:59 UTC May 5 for the Board and from 00:00 UTCApril 20 to 23:59 UTC April 30 for the FDC and FDC Ombudsperson. This year, we are accepting both self-nominations and nominations of others. More information on this election and the nomination process can be found on the 2015 Wikimedia elections page on Meta-Wiki.

Please feel free to post a note about the election on your project's village pump. Any questions related to the election can be posted on the talk page on Meta, or sent to the election committee's mailing list, board-elections -at-

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, 05:03, 21 April 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help


This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.

Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2015 elections for the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) and FDC Ombudsperson. Questions and discussion with the candidates for the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) and FDC Ombudsperson will continue during the voting. Nominations for the Board of Trustees will be accepted until 23:59 UTC May 5.

The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes recommendations about how to allocate Wikimedia movement funds to eligible entities. There are five positions on the committee being filled.

The FDC Ombudsperson receives complaints and feedback about the FDC process, investigates complaints at the request of the Board of Trustees, and summarizes the investigations and feedback for the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. One position is being filled.

The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 3 to 23:59 UTC May 10. Click here to vote. Questions and discussion with the candidates will continue during that time. Click here to ask the FDC candidates a question. Click here to ask the FDC Ombudsperson candidates a question. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2015 FDC election page, the 2015 FDC Ombudsperson election page, and the 2015 Board election page on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Volunteer Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 03:45, 4 May 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

Wikidata: Access to data from arbitrary items is coming modifica

(Sorry for writing in English)

When using data from Wikidata on Wikipedia and other sister projects, there is currently a limitation in place that hinders some use cases: data can only be accessed from the corresponding item. So, for example, the Wikipedia article about Berlin can only get data from the Wikidata item about Berlin but not from the item about Germany. This had technical reasons. We are now removing this limitation. It is already done for French Wikisource and Dutch Wikipedia. Your project is one of the next ones:

  • 18. May: Farsi Wikipedia, English Wikivoyage, Hebrew Wikipedia
  • 1. June: Italian Wikipedia, all remaining Wikisource

We hope to have it rolled out nearly everywhere by the end of June 2015.

We invite you to play around with this new feature if you are one of the people who have been waiting for this for a long time. If you have technical issues/questions with this you can come to d:Wikidata:Contact the development team.

A note of caution: Please be careful with how many items you use for a single page. If it is too many pages, loading might get slow. We will have to see how the feature behaves in production to see where we need to tweak and how.

How to use it, once it is enabled:

Cheers Lydia Pintscher 17:19, 13 maig 2015 (CEST)[respon]


This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.

Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2015 elections for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. Questions and discussion with the candidates for the Board will continue during the voting.

The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees is the ultimate governing authority of the Wikimedia Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. The Wikimedia Foundation manages many diverse projects such as Wikipedia and Commons.

The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 17 to 23:59 UTC May 31. Click here to vote. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2015 Board election page on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Volunteer Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 17:20, 17 May 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

Nova candidatura a buròcrata de Viquinotícies modifica

Companys, he presentat la meva candidatura a buròcrata de Viquinotícies, la teniu aquí. Salutacions.--Syum90 (discussió) 15:07, 18 maig 2015 (CEST)[respon]

Flow a la taverna modifica

Hola! Com va tot? Ara que la Taverna de la Viquipèdia funciona amb Flow no creieu que pot ser un bon moment perquè nosaltres fem el mateix amb: Viquitexts:La taverna? Us sembla bé? Ho demano?--KRLS (discussió) 17:42, 28 maig 2015 (CEST)[respon]

Ei @Aleator: @Docosong: i @Micru: Que us sembla?--KRLS (discussió) 08:43, 10 ago 2015 (CEST)[respon]
Cap problema per la meva banda. Espero que vagi millor així. --Docosong (discussió) 17:14, 10 ago 2015 (CEST)[respon]
   Indiferent -Aleator 18:52, 29 ago 2015 (CEST)[respon]

Wikidata: Access to data from arbitrary items is here modifica

Dia de la Música 2015 modifica

El proper dia 21 de juny de 2015 Amical Wikimedia en col·laboració amb diverses organitzacions estem muntant el Dia de la Música, on es proposarà, entre d'altres, escanejar llibres en domini públic que parlin de música. Mireu tota la informació a Us hi esperem a tots!--Kippelboy (discussió) 16:22, 3 juny 2015 (CEST)[respon]

Pywikibot compat will no longer be supported - Please migrate to pywikibot core modifica

Sorry for English, I hope someone translates this.
Pywikibot (then "Pywikipediabot") was started back in 2002. In 2007 a new branch (formerly known as "rewrite", now called "core") was started from scratch using the MediaWiki API. The developers of Pywikibot have decided to stop supporting the compat version of Pywikibot due to bad performance and architectural errors that make it hard to update, compared to core. If you are using pywikibot compat it is likely your code will break due to upcoming MediaWiki API changes (e.g. T101524). It is highly recommended you migrate to the core framework. There is a migration guide, and please contact us if you have any problem.

There is an upcoming MediaWiki API breaking change that compat will not be updated for. If your bot's name is in this list, your bot will most likely break.

Thank you,
The Pywikibot development team, 19:30, 5 June 2015 (UTC)

00:00, 20 juny 2015 (CEST)

02:45, 20 juny 2015 (CEST)

Caixa d'eines a pàgina historial modifica

Bones, es podria incorporar la caixa d'eines: "Estadístiques • Nombre de visites • Cerca text a l'historial" que apareix a l'historial de pàgines de Viquipèdia i aquí no?--Kippelboy (discussió) 17:10, 14 jul 2015 (CEST)[respon]

De les tres eines només es compatible una d'elles a Wikisource.--KRLS (discussió) 08:36, 15 jul 2015 (CEST)[respon]

Proposal to create PNG thumbnails of static GIF images modifica

The thumbnail of this gif is of really bad quality.
How a PNG thumb of this GIF would look like

There is a proposal at the Commons Village Pump requesting feedback about the thumbnails of static GIF images: It states that static GIF files should have their thumbnails created in PNG. The advantages of PNG over GIF would be visible especially with GIF images using an alpha channel. (compare the thumbnails on the side)

This change would affect all wikis, so if you support/oppose or want to give general feedback/concerns, please post them to the proposal page. Thank you. --McZusatz (talk) & MediaWiki message delivery (discussió) 07:07, 24 jul 2015 (CEST)[respon]

Proposal to create PNG thumbnails of static GIF images modifica

The thumbnail of this gif is of really bad quality.
How a PNG thumb of this GIF would look like

There is a proposal at the Commons Village Pump requesting feedback about the thumbnails of static GIF images: It states that static GIF files should have their thumbnails created in PNG. The advantages of PNG over GIF would be visible especially with GIF images using an alpha channel. (compare the thumbnails on the side)

This change would affect all wikis, so if you support/oppose or want to give general feedback/concerns, please post them to the proposal page. Thank you. --McZusatz (talk) & MediaWiki message delivery (discussió) 09:09, 24 jul 2015 (CEST)[respon]

What does a Healthy Community look like to you? modifica


The Community Engagement department at the Wikimedia Foundation has launched a new learning campaign. The WMF wants to record community impressions about what makes a healthy online community. Share your views and/or create a drawing and take a chance to win a Wikimania 2016 scholarship! Join the WMF as we begin a conversation about Community Health. Contribute a drawing or answer the questions on the campaign's page.

Why get involved? modifica

The world is changing. The way we relate to knowledge is transforming. As the next billion people come online, the Wikimedia movement is working to bring more users on the wiki projects. The way we interact and collaborate online are key to building sustainable projects. How accessible are Wikimedia projects to newcomers today? Are we helping each other learn?
Share your views on this matter that affects us all!
We invite everyone to take part in this learning campaign. Wikimedia Foundation will distribute one Wikimania Scholarship 2016 among those participants who are eligible.

More information modifica

Happy editing!

MediaWiki message delivery (discussió) 01:42, 1 ago 2015 (CEST)[respon]

Visibilitat dels EPUBs modifica

Una de les mancances encara presents en aquest projecte és la poca visibilitat dels EPUBs. Ara per ara només hi ha la plantilla {{Encapçalament}} que incorpora un missatge animant a descarregar la versió epub. A diferència d'altres projectes que és d'ús obligatori en les obres, aquí aquesta té un ús residual. Per altra banda, hi ha algunes pàgines d'autors que s'ha anat afegint la plantilla {{Epub}}. Sé que caldria fer quelcom amb les plantilles {{Navegar}} però no sé com diferenciar si és un capítol o el pòrtic d'una obra. Idees?--KRLS (discussió) 08:42, 10 ago 2015 (CEST)[respon]

How can we improve Wikimedia grants to support you better? modifica

My apologies for posting this message in English. Please help translate it if you can.


The Wikimedia Foundation would like your feedback about how we can reimagine Wikimedia Foundation grants, to better support people and ideas in your Wikimedia project. Ways to participate:

Feedback is welcome in any language.

With thanks,

I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation.

(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) through MediaWiki message delivery. 01:08, 19 ago 2015 (CEST)[respon]

Introducing the Wikimedia public policy site modifica

Hi all,

We are excited to introduce a new Wikimedia Public Policy site. The site includes resources and position statements on access, copyright, censorship, intermediary liability, and privacy. The site explains how good public policy supports the Wikimedia projects, editors, and mission.

Visit the public policy portal:

Please help translate the statements on Meta Wiki. You can read more on the Wikimedia blog.


Yana and Stephen (Talk) 20:12, 2 set 2015 (CEST)[respon]

(Sent with the Global message delivery system)

Open call for Individual Engagement Grants modifica

My apologies for posting this message in English. Please help translate it if you can.

Greetings! The Individual Engagement Grants program is accepting proposals until September 29th to fund new tools, community-building processes, and other experimental ideas that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers. Whether you need a small or large amount of funds (up to $30,000 USD), Individual Engagement Grants can support you and your team’s project development time in addition to project expenses such as materials, travel, and rental space.


I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation. 22:52, 4 set 2015 (CEST)[respon]

(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) through MediaWiki message delivery.

Only one week left for Individual Engagement Grant proposals! modifica

(Apologies for using English below, please help translate if you are able.)

There is still one week left to submit Individual Engagement Grant (IEG) proposals before the September 29th deadline. If you have ideas for new tools, community-building processes, and other experimental projects that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers, start your proposal today! Please encourage others who have great ideas to apply as well. Support is available if you want help turning your idea into a grant request.

I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources 23:01, 22 set 2015 (CEST)[respon]

Reimagining WMF grants report modifica

(My apologies for using English here, please help translate if you are able.)

Last month, we asked for community feedback on a proposal to change the structure of WMF grant programs. Thanks to the 200+ people who participated! A report on what we learned and changed based on this consultation is now available.

Come read about the findings and next steps as WMF’s Community Resources team begins to implement changes based on your feedback. Your questions and comments are welcome on the outcomes discussion page.

With thanks, I JethroBT (WMF) 18:56, 28 set 2015 (CEST)[respon]

Community Wishlist Survey modifica

Wikimania 2016 scholarships ambassadors needed modifica

Hello! Wikimania 2016 scholarships will soon be open; by the end of the week we'll form the committee and we need your help, see Scholarship committee for details.

If you want to carefully review nearly a thousand applications in January, you might be a perfect committee member. Otherwise, you can volunteer as "ambassador": you will observe all the committee activities, ensure that people from your language or project manage to apply for a scholarship, translate scholarship applications written in your language to English and so on. Ambassadors are allowed to ask for a scholarship, unlike committee members.

Wikimania 2016 scholarships subteam 11:47, 10 nov 2015 (CET)

Harassment consultation modifica

Si us plau, ajudeu a traduir-ho al vostre idioma

The Community Advocacy team the Wikimedia Foundation has opened a consultation on the topic of harassment on Meta. The consultation period is intended to run for one month from today, November 16, and end on December 17. Please share your thoughts there on harassment-related issues facing our communities and potential solutions. (Note: this consultation is not intended to evaluate specific cases of harassment, but rather to discuss the problem of harassment itself.)

Regards, Community Advocacy, Wikimedia Foundation

This is a message regarding the proposed 2015 Free Bassel banner. Translations are available.

Hi everyone,

This is to inform all Wikimedia contributors that a straw poll seeking your involvement has just been started on Meta-Wiki.

As some of your might be aware, a small group of Wikimedia volunteers have proposed a banner campaign informing Wikipedia readers about the urgent situation of our fellow Wikipedian, open source software developer and Creative Commons activist, Bassel Khartabil. An exemplary banner and an explanatory page have now been prepared, and translated into about half a dozen languages by volunteer translators.

We are seeking your involvement to decide if the global Wikimedia community approves starting a banner campaign asking Wikipedia readers to call on the Syrian government to release Bassel from prison. We understand that a campaign like this would be unprecedented in Wikipedia's history, which is why we're seeking the widest possible consensus among the community.

Given Bassel's urgent situation and the resulting tight schedule, we ask everyone to get involved with the poll and the discussion to the widest possible extent, and to promote it among your communities as soon as possible.

(Apologies for writing in English; please kindly translate this message into your own language.)

Thank you for your participation!

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 21:47, 25 November 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

Community Wishlist Survey modifica

MediaWiki message delivery (discussió) 15:38, 1 des 2015 (CET)[respon]

This is a message from the Wikimedia Foundation. Translations are available.


As many of you know, January 15 is Wikipedia’s 15th Birthday!

People around the world are getting involved in the celebration and have started adding their events on Meta Page. While we are celebrating Wikipedia's birthday, we hope that all projects and affiliates will be able to utilize this celebration to raise awareness of our community's efforts.

Haven’t started planning? Don’t worry, there’s lots of ways to get involved. Here are some ideas:

Everything is linked on the Wikipedia 15 Meta page. You’ll find a set of ten data visualization works that you can show at your events, and a list of all the Wikipedia 15 logos that community members have already designed.

If you have any questions, please contact Zachary McCune or Joe Sutherland.

Thanks and Happy nearly Wikipedia 15!
-The Wikimedia Foundation Communications team

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery, 21:58, 18 des 2015 (CET)Si us plau, ajudeu a traduir-ho al vostre idiomaAjuda[respon]

This is a message from the Wikimedia Foundation. Translations are available.


As many of you know, January 15 is Wikipedia’s 15th Birthday!

People around the world are getting involved in the celebration and have started adding their events on Meta Page. While we are celebrating Wikipedia's birthday, we hope that all projects and affiliates will be able to utilize this celebration to raise awareness of our community's efforts.

Haven’t started planning? Don’t worry, there’s lots of ways to get involved. Here are some ideas:

Everything is linked on the Wikipedia 15 Meta page. You’ll find a set of ten data visualization works that you can show at your events, and a list of all the Wikipedia 15 logos that community members have already designed.

If you have any questions, please contact Zachary McCune or Joe Sutherland.

Thanks and Happy nearly Wikipedia 15!
-The Wikimedia Foundation Communications team

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery, 22:58, 18 des 2015 (CET)Si us plau, ajudeu a traduir-ho al vostre idiomaAjuda[respon]