
Nota: Després de publicar, possiblement necessitareu refrescar la memòria cau del vostre navegador per a veure'n els canvis.

  • Firefox / Safari: Premeu Majús i alhora cliqueu el botó Actualitzar, o pressioneu Ctrl+F5 o Ctrl+R (⌘+R en un Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Premeu Ctrl+Majús+R (⌘+Shift+R en un Mac)
  • Internet Explorer / Edge: Premeu Ctrl i alhora cliqueu a Actualitza o pressioneu Ctrl+F5
  • Opera: Premeu Ctrl-F5.

This page defines a TemplateScript library. It's not meant to be referenced
directly. See [[Wikisource:TemplateScript]] for usage.

/* global $, pathoschild */

 * TemplateScript adds configurable templates and scripts to the sidebar, and adds an example regex editor.
 * @see
 * @update-token [[File:Pathoschild/templatescript.js]]
// <nowiki>
$.ajax('//', { dataType:'script', cache:true }).then(function() {
	** Define library
		key: 'wikisource.proofreading',
		name: 'Eines de transcripció',
		url: '//',
		description: 'Una sèrie d´eines per facilitar la <a href="/wiki/Ajuda:Pàginas de transcripció">transcripció a l´espai de noms <tt>Pàgina:</tt></a>  Inclou eines per millorar l´OCR, afegir seccions d´encapçalament i altre eines de format.',
		categories: [
				name: 'Eines de transcripció',
				scripts: [
					{ key: 'add-header', name: 'Afegir capçalera', scriptUrl:'Special:MyPage/titols.js', script: function(editor) { addPageHeader(editor); }, forNamespaces: 'page', accessKey:'1' },
					{ key: 'add-footer', name: 'Afegir peu de pàgina', scriptUrl:'Special:MyPage/titols.js', script: function(editor) { addPageFooter(editor); }, forNamespaces: 'page', accessKey:'2' },
					{ key: 'ocr', name: 'OCR (reconeixement automàtic de text)', script: function(editor) { do_hocr(); }, forNamespaces: 'page', accessKey:'3' },
					{ key: 'cleanup-ocr', name: 'Netejar OCR', script: function(editor) { pageCleanup(editor); }, forNamespaces: 'page', accessKey:'4' },
					{ key: 'make-refs', name: 'Fer referències', script: function(editor) { makeReference(editor); }, forNamespaces: 'page', accessKey:'5' },
					{ key: 'smallcaps', name: 'A versaleta', script: function(editor) { smallcaps(editor); }, forNamespaces: 'page' },
					{ key: 'uppercase', name: 'A majúscules', script: function(editor) { upper(editor); }, forNamespaces: 'page' },
					{ key: 'lowercase', name: 'A minúscules', script: function(editor) { lower(editor); }, forNamespaces: 'page' }

	** Page context
	var state = {
		initialised: false,  // whether the page context has been initialised
		page: {
			number: null,   // the djvu page number extracted from the URL
			proofed: null
		specialFormats: [] // work-specific header template formats

	** Private methods
	 * Initialise the data needed by the page tools.
	var _initialise = function() {
		// only initialise once
		//	return;
		//state.initialised = true;

		// get page metadata

		var pn = /\.(?:djvu|pdf)\/([0-9]+)/g.exec($("#firstHeading").html());
		var pq = document.getElementById('pagequality'); = {
			number: pn !== null ? parseInt(pn[1], 10) : null,
			proofed: pq && pq.getAttribute('class') && pq.getAttribute('class').match(/quality0|quality[2-4]/)

		// get user-defined work formats
		// expected format:
		//   {
		//      title: /History of England /,
		//      evenHeader: '{{rh|...}}',
		//      oddHeader: '{{rh|...}}',
		//      footer: '',
		//      footerWithReferences: '{{smallrefs}}'
	 	//   }
		if(window.specialFormats) state.specialFormats = window.specialFormats.concat(state.specialFormats);
	 * Convert the text to title case based on English rules.
	 * @param {string} text The text to convert.

	var _titlecase = function(text) {
		// split text into individual words and examine them one by one
		var words = text.toLowerCase().split(" ");
		$.each(function(i, words) {
			switch(word) {
				case "a":
				case "á":
				case "à":
				case "e":
				case "é":
				case "è":
				case "i":
				case "y":
				case "o":
				case "ó":
				case "ò":
				case "u":
				case "el":
				case "la":
				case "los":
				case "las":
				case "les":
				case "un":
				case "una":
				case "unos":
				case "unes":
				case "de":
				case "del":
					break; // don't capitalise articles, "to" as part of an infinitive, prepositions or short conjunctions
				default: // capitalise everything else
					words[i] = word.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + word.substring(1, words[i].length);

		// capitalise first word regardless
		words[0] = words[0].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + words[0].substring(1, words[0].length);

		// capitalise last word regardless
		var last = words.length-1;
		words[last] = words[last].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + words[last].substring(1, words[last].length);

		// reconstruct title
		return words.join(' ');

	** Script methods
	 * Add a {{running header}} template to the page.
	 * @param {object} editor The script helpers for the page.
	var addPageHeader = function(editor) {
		if( === null)

		var isEven = ( % 2 === 0);
		var generic = true;
		var headertext = '';
		if(window.titulos) state.specialFormats = window.titulos(;
		for (var f in state.specialFormats) {
			var format = state.specialFormats[f];
			if (mw.config.get('wgTitle').match(format.title)) {
				headertext = isEven ? format.evenHeader : format.oddHeader;
				generic = false;

		// no special header matched, use a generic running header
		if (generic) {
			if (isEven)
				headertext = '{{RH|left=''|center=}}'; // assume verso, with page number at left
				headertext = '{{RH|center=|right=''}}';
		$('#wpHeaderTextbox').val(function(i, val) {
			return $.trim(val + '\n' + headertext);

	 * Clean up OCR errors in the text, and push <noinclude> content at the top
	 * & bottom of the page into the header & footer boxes respectively.
	 * @param {object} editor The script helpers for the page.
	var pageCleanup = function(editor) {
		// push <noinclude> content at the top & bottom into the header & footer
		if (editor.get().match(/^<noinclude\>/)) {
			var text = editor.get();
			var e = text.indexOf("</noinclude>");
			$('#wpHeaderTextbox').val(function(i, val) {
				return $.trim(val + "\n" + text.substr(11, e-11).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''));
		if (editor.get().match(/<\/noinclude\>$/)) {
			var text = editor.get();
			var s = text.lastIndexOf("<noinclude>");
			$('#wpFooterTextbox').val(function(i, val) {
				return $.trim(text.substr(s+11, text.length-s-11-12).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') + "\n" + val);
			editor.set(text.substr(0, s));
		// clean up text
			// remove trailing spaces at the end of each line
			.replace(/ +\n/g, '\n')

			// remove trailing whitespace preceding a hard line break
			.replace(/ +<br *\/?>/g, '<br />')

			// remove trailing whitespace and numerals at the end of page text
			// (numerals are nearly always page numbers in the footer)
			.replace(/[\s\d]+$/g, '')
			// remove trailing spaces at the end of refs
			.replace(/ +<\/ref>/g, '</ref>')
			// remove trailing spaces at the end of template calls
			.replace(/ +}}/g, '}}')
			// convert double-hyphen to mdash (avoiding breaking HTML comment syntax)
			.replace(/([^\!])--([^>])/g, '$1—$2')
			// remove spacing around mdash, but only if it has spaces on both sides
			// (we don't want to remove the trailing space from " follows:— ",
			// bearing in mind that the space will already be gone if at end of line).
			.replace(/ +— +/g, '—')
			// join words that are hyphenated across a line break
			// (but leave "|-" table syntax alone)
			.replace(/([^\|])-\n/g, '$1');

		// clean up pages if they don't have <poem>
		if (!editor.contains('<poem>')) {
				// lines that start with " should probably be new lines,
				// if the previous line ends in punctuation,
				// other than a comma or semicolon
				// and let's get rid of trailing space while we're at it
				.replace(/([^\n\w,;])\n\" */g, '$1\n\n"')
				// lines that end with " should probably precede a new line,
				// unless preceded by a comma,
				// or unless the new line starts with a lower-case letter;
				// and let's get rid of preceding space while we're at it
				.replace(/([^,])\ *\"\n([^a-z\n])/g, '$1"\n\n$2')
				// remove single line breaks; preserve multiple.
				// but not if there's a tag, template or table syntax either side of the line break
				.replace(/([^>}\|\n])\n([^:#\*<{\|\n])/g, '$1 $2')
				// collapse sequences of spaces into a single space
				.replace(/  +/g, ' ');
		// more page cleanup
			// dump spurious hard breaks at the end of paragraphs
			.replace(/<br *\/?>\n\n/g, '\n\n')
			//caracter fantasma
			// remove unwanted spaces around punctuation marks
			.replace(/ ([;:\?!,\.])/g, '$1')
			// unicodify
			.replace(/&mdash;/g, '—')
			.replace(/&ndash;/g, '–')
			.replace(/&quot;/g, '"')
			// straighten quotes and apostrophes.
			.replace(/[“”]/g, '"')
			.replace(/[‘’`]/g, '\'')
			//OCR fixes
			.replace(/(a[bh]a )/g, 'aba ')
			.replace(/(a[bh]an )/g, 'aban ')
			.replace(/(acccn)/g, 'accen')
			.replace(/([an][iïíìl!1I]x)/g, 'aix')
			.replace(/(x[6d])/g, 'xó')
			.replace(/(a[iïíìl!1I]g[anou][nu])/g, 'algun')
			.replace(/(a[iïíìl!1I]g[un]a)/g, 'aigua')
			.replace(/(aU)/g, 'all')
			.replace(/( attre )/g, ' altre ')
			.replace(/( a[iïíìl!1I][rtl]r)/g, ' altr')
			.replace(/( a[iïíìl!1I][8s] )/g, ' als ')
			.replace(/(anl )/g, 'ant ')
			.replace(/b[ce]rt/g, 'bert')
			.replace(/(b[6d])/g, 'bó')
			.replace(/( calala)/g, ' catala')
			.replace(/(c[iïíìl!1I][56d] )/g, 'ció ')
			.replace(/(c[iïíìl!1I][56d][ns][8s] )/g, 'cions ')
			.replace(/( corn )/g, ' com ')
			.replace(/( co[un][iïíìl!1I] )/g, ' com ')
			.replace(/(cb)/g, 'ch')
			.replace(/(c[iïíìl!1I] )/g, 'ci ') //ofici
			.replace(/(cuU)/g, 'cull')
			.replace(/(d[*'\"])/g, 'd\'')
			.replace(/( d[ocs] )/g, ' de ')
			.replace(/(d[ce][iïíìl!1I]x)/g, 'deix')
			.replace(/( d[ce][iïíìl!1I] )/g, ' del ')
			.replace(/( d[ce][iïíìl!1I][8s] )/g, ' dels ')
			.replace(/(d[ce][s8])/g, 'des')
			.replace(/(D[ce][anu] )/g, 'Deu ')
			.replace(/(d6[nu])/g, 'déu')
			.replace(/(d[!1I])/g, 'di')
			.replace(/(d[iïíìl!1I]g)/g, 'dig')
			.replace(/dfs/g, 'dís')
			.replace(/([nu][bh][ec][nu])/g, 'uhen')
			.replace(/(drc)/g, 'dre')
			.replace(/(dr[iïíìl!1I])/g, 'dri')
			.replace(/([ce]o[nu][ce][ce][bh])/g, 'conech')
			.replace(/(efe[ce][ce])/g, 'efecc')
			.replace(/([BE][iïíìl!1I] )/g, 'El ')
			.replace(/(EU )/g, 'Ell ')
			.replace(/( [ce][iïíìl!1I] )/g, ' el ')
			.replace(/([ -][ce][iïíìl!1I][8s] )/g, ' els ')
			.replace(/( [ce][iïíìl!1I][iïíìl!1I] )/g, ' ell ')
			.replace(/(eU)/g, 'ell')
			.replace(/(cm)/g, 'em')
			.replace(/[BE][nqu] /g, 'En ')
			.replace(/ cn/g, ' en')
			.replace(/ [ce][un] /g,' en ')
			.replace(/[ce]n[lt] /g, 'ent ')
			.replace(/ [ce]n[it]r[ce]/g, ' entre')
			.replace(/ [ce]s /g, ' es ')
			.replace(/[ce][8s][ce]ri/g, 'escri')
			.replace(/[ce][8s][ce]r /g, 'eser ')
			.replace(/ [ceo][8s][8s][ceo]r /g, ' esser ')
			.replace(/ [ce][s8][lt]([aáà])([ t])/g, ' est$1$2')
			.replace(/exlr/g, 'extr')
			.replace(/fc/g, 'fe')
			.replace(/f[ce][nu][lt]/g, 'fent')
			.replace(/f[1!Iil]([bcdfgjlmnpqrstvxyz])/g, 'fi$1') //fic,fim...
			.replace(/[fí][iïíìl!1I][iïíìl!1I][iïíìl!1I]/g, 'fill')
			.replace(/(g[iïíìl!1I][6é]s)/g, 'glés')
			.replace(/g[nu][óé]/g, 'gué')
			.replace(/gn[ce]/g, 'gne') //p.ex. digne
			.replace(/gu[ce]/g, 'gue')
			.replace(/g[nu]t/g, 'gut')
			.replace(/[hb]a[nu] /g, 'han ')
			.replace(/[hb]ab[ce]m/g, 'havem')
			.replace(/[hb]av[iïíìl!1I]a/g, 'havia')
			.replace(/([hb]av[iïíìl!1I][ce][nu])/g, 'havien')
			.replace(/([hb][iïíìl!1I] [hb]a)/g, 'hi ha')
			.replace(/ [bh]a /g, ' ha ')
			.replace(/h[iïìl!1I]/g, 'hi')
			.replace(/[bh][oe]m[ce]/g, 'home')
			.replace(/(horn)/g, 'hom')
			.replace(/( [bh]o[no]t )/g, ' hont ')
			.replace(/([iïíìl!1]U)/g, 'ill')
			.replace(/([iïíìl!1I]n[lt] )/g, 'int ')
			.replace(/J[ce][s8]/g, 'Jes')
			.replace(/jomada/g, 'jornada')
			.replace(/ [iïíìl!1I][nu]r /g, ' lur ')
			.replace(/ [*'´\\^][iïíìl!1I] /g, ' \'l ')
			.replace(/L[*´\\^]/g, 'L\'')
			.replace(/([ .,;])[iïíìl!1I][*'´\\^]/g, '$1l\'')
			.replace(/Ta([iy])gua/g, 'l\'a$1gua')
			.replace(/V a/g, 'l\' a')
			.replace(/ [iïíìl!1]a /g, ' la ')
			.replace(/ [iïíìl!1][ec][a8s] /g, ' les ')
			.replace(/ [iïíìl!1]i /g, ' li ')
			.replace(/[UI][iïíìl!1I][bh]r[ec]/g, 'Uibre')
			.replace(/ii([aáàeéèiíìoóòuúù])/g, 'll$1') //"iiibre"
			.replace(/ [iïíìl!1]o /g, ' lo ')
			.replace(/ [iïíìl!1]o[a8s] /g, ' los ')
			.replace(/Uoc/g, 'lloc')
			.replace(/U[nu][nu]/g, 'llun')
			.replace(/([*'´][iïíìl!1I][8s])/g, '\'ls')
			.replace(/( M[8s] )/g, ' \'\ls ')
			.replace(/( [iïíìl!1][8s] )/g, ' ls ')
			.replace(/ ine /g, 'me')
			.replace(/m[ce]([ '])/g, 'me$1')
			.replace(/(loient )/g, 'lment ')
			.replace(/(ni[ce][nu]y)/g, 'menys')
			.replace(/(mo[iïíìl!1]t)/g, 'molt')
			.replace(/(—jN)/g, '—¡N')
			.replace(/(n[*'\\^])/g, 'n\'')
			.replace(/([*'\\^]n)/g, '\'n')
			.replace(/ [nu]o /g, ' no ')
			.replace(/nl([ ;.:r])/g, 'nt$1') //entre, -nt
			.replace(/(oU)/g, 'oll')
			.replace(/(—jP)/g, '—¡P')
			.replace(/(prc)/g, 'pre')
			.replace(/pnn/g, 'pun')
			.replace(/(—[ij]Q)/g, '—¡Q')
			.replace(/(Q[anou][ce])/g, 'Que')
			.replace(/(Q[anou][iïíìl!1I])/g, 'Qui')
			.replace(/([çq][*'\\^])/g, 'q\'')
			.replace(/([çq][nu][*'\\^])/g, 'qu\'')
			.replace(/([çq][anou][anou][il])/g, 'qual')
			.replace(/([çq][anou][anou][nu])/g, 'quan')
			.replace(/([çq][anou][ceo])/g, 'que')
			.replace(/([çq]ii[ceo])/g, 'que')
			.replace(/qae/g, 'que')
			.replace(/([çq]u[ce] [iïíìl!1I] )/g, 'que l ')
			.replace(/([çq][anou][óé])/g, 'qué')
			.replace(/([çq][anou][ce]s[lt])/g, 'quest')
			.replace(/([çq][anou][iïíìl!1I])/g, 'qui')
			.replace(/(rcg)/g, 'reg') //tb podria ser "rog"
			.replace(/(rcr)/g, 'rer') //tb podria ser "ror"
			.replace(/rcy/g, 'rey')
			.replace(/(Sl)/g, 'Si')
			.replace(/([s8][*'\\^])/g, 's\'')
			.replace(/([*'\\^]s)/g, '\'s')
			.replace(/ [sa8][ce] /g, ' se ')
			.replace(/([8s]cc)/g, 'sec')
			.replace(/scd/g, 'sed')
			.replace(/scg/g, 'seg')
			.replace(/([8s][ceo][çgq][eo][nu])/g, 'segon')
			.replace(/( [8s]cr )/g, ' ser ') //tb podria ser " sor "
			.replace(/( [8s][ce]r[ce])/g, ' sere')
			.replace(/( [8s]o[nD] )/g, ' son ')
			.replace(/([8s]lr)/g, 'str') //vostra
			.replace(/(t[*'\\^])/g, 't\'')
			.replace(/([*'\\^]t)/g, '\'t')
			.replace(/[lt]am[6b]([éèe])/g, 'tamb$1')
			.replace(/[lt]amp[ceo][ceo]/g, 'tampoc')
			.replace(/( tc )/g, ' te ')
			.replace(/[lt][ce]rr/g, 'terr')
			.replace(/(tU)/g, 'tll')
			.replace(/ [tl][iIïíìÏÌÍIL][un][ce]([h ;.:])/g, ' tinc$1')
			.replace(/(trc)/g, 'tre') //tb "tro"
			.replace(/( [nu][nu] )/g, ' un ') //tb " nu "
			.replace(/( [nu][nu][oa] )/g, ' una ') //tb " nua "
			.replace(/(uU)/g, 'ull')
			.replace(/(▼)/g, 'V')
			.replace(/v[ce]ll/g, 'vell')
			.replace(/(•)/g, '.');
	 * As you work your way through the page, when you encounter a reference, just mark it with <ref></ref> tags and continue.
	 * Once you've got to the end of the page and proofed the references, simply highlight each reference in turn,
	 * and use this function to move it to its proper position.
	 * @param {object} editor The script helpers for the page.
	var makeReference = function(editor) {
		var editbox = $('#wpTextbox1').get(0);
		var refStart = editbox.selectionStart;
		var refEnd = editbox.selectionEnd;

		var firstref = editbox.value.indexOf('<ref></ref>');
		if (firstref != -1) {
			editbox.value = editbox.value.slice(0,firstref+5)
			              + editbox.value.slice(refStart, refEnd)
			              + editbox.value.slice(firstref+5, refStart)
			              + editbox.value.slice(refEnd);

	 * Insert formatted references into the footer box if needed.
	 * @param {object} editor The script helpers for the page.
	var addPageFooter = function(editor) {
		var editbox = $('#wpTextbox1').get(0);
		var footerbox;
		var generic;
		var format;
		var f;
		if(window.titulos) state.specialFormats = window.titulos(;
		if (editbox.value.indexOf("<ref") == -1 && editbox.value.indexOf("{{#tag:ref") == -1) {
			// page contains no refs
			generic = true;
			for (f in state.specialFormats) {
				format = state.specialFormats[f];
				if (mw.config.get('wgTitle').match(format.title)) {
					footerbox = format.footer;
					generic = false;

			// no special footer matched, use just strip out the references tag
			if (generic)
				footerbox = '';
		else {
			generic = true;
			for (f in state.specialFormats) {
				format = state.specialFormats[f];
				if (mw.config.get('wgTitle').match(format.title)) {
					footerbox = format.footerWithReferences;
					generic = false;

			// no special footer matched, so use a generic ref tag
			if (generic)
				footerbox  = '{{Referències}}';

	 * Mark the selected text with {{sc}}. If the text is uppercase, it will be converted to titlecase.
	 * @param {object} editor The script helpers for the page.
	var smallcaps = function(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(text) {
			// Applying small-caps to all-caps text is pointless...
			// ... unless the all-caps is OCR of text that is actually small-caps.
			// Check if text is all-caps, and if it is, convert it to title case before applying small-caps.
			if (text == text.toUpperCase())
				text = _titlecase(text);
			return '{{maj|' + text + '}}';

	 * Convert the text to uppercase.
	 * @param {object} editor The script helpers for the page.
	var upper = function(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(text) {
			return text.toUpperCase();
	var lower = function(editor) {
		editor.replaceSelection(function(text) {
			return text.toLowerCase();

/*global $, mw*/

 * Query an ocr for a given Page:, first try to get the hocr text layer as it's available
 * for most book, fast and of a better quality. If it fails, try the older and slower
 * ocr method. hocr fail around 1/5000 books. ocr should never fails as it use the image
 * visible on the Page:.

var lang = mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' );

function disable_input(set)
	if (set) {
		$(document).keyup(function(e) {
			if (e.which == 27) { disable_input(false); }

	set ? $('#wsOcr1').off('click') : $('#wsOcr1').on('click', do_hocr);

	$('#wpTextbox1').prop('disabled', set);

function ocr_callback(data) {
	if (data.error) {
	} else {
		// Checking if tb is disabled is required with chrome as ESC doesn't kill
		// the query.
		var tb = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1");
		if (tb.disabled)
			tb.value = data.text;


function hocr_callback(data) {
	if (data.error) {
		// Fallback to the slow way.
	} else {
		// Checking if tb is disabled is required with chrome as ESC doesn't kill
		// the query.
		var tb = document.getElementById("wpTextbox1");
		if (tb.disabled) {
                        localStorage.ws_hOCR = data.text;

			var text = $(data.text).text();
			// Ugly as hell.
			text = text.replace(/[ ]*\n[ ]*/g, '\n')
				.replace(/\n\n\n\n/g, '@_@_@_@_@_@')
				.replace(/\n\n/g, '\n')
				.replace(/@_@_@_@_@_@/g, '\n\n')
				.replace(/\n\n\n/g, '\n\n');
			tb.value = $.trim(text);


function do_hocr() {

	var request_url = '//'
		+ encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgTitle')) + '&lang=' + lang + '&user=' + mw.config.get('wgUserName');


function do_ocr() {
	if ($( '.prp-page-image img' ).length) {

		// server side can't use protocol relative url, request it as https:
		var url_image = 'https:' + $( '.prp-page-image img' ).attr('src');

		var request_url = "//"+url_image+"&lang="+lang+"&user="+mw.config.get('wgUserName');

		$.getJSON( request_url ).done( ocr_callback );
// </nowiki>